Monday, November 14, 2011

Never Stop Romancing Me

"Papa, I want to. I want imbed these garments of torment deep into the splintering stretches of your cross. I want so badly to nail them there and leave them forever in your hands to be saturated in your blood. Papa, my heart's still bound. I can feel the bindings that lie across my wrists and around my chest tighten every time I seek to execute my plan of escape.
Papa, be honest. What do you really think of me...?" Until not I couldn't bare to look at Him. I didn't want to know what expression laid strewn across his face. But in His silence, I search His face for the answer to my question. ......(smiling, as he looks at me) Hannah, you have no idea. I love you so much. You make me so happy. When you look at me, when you just try to picture my face, I melt. My heart melts for you. I don't just love you. I am so IN love with you. You captured my heart. It's bound for you. It's completely set on you & nothing, no one, no circumstances could ever make it take its eyes off you because I'm completely in rapture by you. You all set about sometimes trying to dream up a perfect woman or perfect man but I am I AM. I don't have to dream because I have already created it. I have already created you. Sure, you may not be spotless by the world's standard but covered in my grace, you're perfect. You're everything I've wanted. You are my baby girl, who I love so much. With me, you are safe. Do you remember when I proposed to you last year? "Yeah..." I want to give you everything. Read to me of my love for you...
And so I do. I read Song of Solomon from beginning to end... "I mean so much to you, so incredibly much. I can't really wrap my mind around it. Lover, romance me. I want to walk with your hand in mine where ever I go. Where ever I set my foot, I want the atmosphere to know that you are there with me. ....I need you to romance me. I'm still struggling, Papa. But I'm trying. I'm trying to let go. Remind me who I am and who you are. At night and every minute of every day. Whisper it loudly in my ear and sing it over me as I sleep. I need to hear your voice and feel your embrace. It's my only comfort."

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